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Owning It: No Blaming, Complaining or Excuses

Blaming, complaining and making excuses are all crutches for the weak, as you’ll realize more and more when you begin to think like a Fearless Leader. Take, for example, a recent conversation that I had with a small-business owner who had requested a Fearless Leaders training session for his employees: He was surprised that the […]

Own It: No Blaming, Complaining or Excuses

“Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame.” – Erica Jong Do you hate it when people complain? It turns out there’s a good reason: Listening to too much complaining is bad for your brain in multiple ways, according to Trevor Blake, a serial entrepreneur and […]

Using a Worst-Case Scenario to Understand and Move Beyond Your Fears

We’ve been discussing some fears that can limit or even prevent a leader’s success. And in our last blog, we looked at how someone could use a worst-case scenario to visualize what might happen as the result of a perceived failure or change in life. Here are some steps to using the worst-case scenario: Describe […]

How to Understand – and Limit – Your Fears, continued

We’ve been discussing fears that limit or prevent a leader’s success: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection and fear of selling, and how these may have limited you. Here we look at fear of rejection and fear of selling. Fear of rejection. Inherent to the fear of rejection is the irrational belief […]

How to Understand – and Limit – Your Fears

We’ve been discussing some fears that can limit or even prevent a leader’s success: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection and fear of selling, and how these may have limited you.. We discussed the fear of failure earlier on in this blog series, so I this blog entry, we will concentrate on: […]

How to Become Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

How can you get comfortable with being uncomfortable? Use these following techniques to learn, grow, improve and step out of fear. Brief intervals. You can build up your tolerance for discomfort by intervals. It’s like getting into better physical condition: You need to work out several times a week over a long period of time […]

Overcoming Your Secret Fears

Exercise Your secret fears. Do you have fears you keep secret? Secrets are emotional poison. Have the courage to free yourself from your secret fears, gain more confidence and self-esteem. What is it you are afraid people find out about you? Think creatively about how to deal with your fears, just as Dan did – […]

Do You Feel Like a Fraud?

Look at that question in the headline again. Do you? You’re not alone. We can’t even count the number of highly successful executives, entrepreneurs and sales professionals who’ve told us, “I feel like a fraud,” or something similar. And all these talented people had a secret fear. Just like one very powerful businessman, whom we’ll […]

Leadership Benefits of Being Uncomfortable

“Problems always involve risk.” – Anonymous People want inspirational leaders. Do you inspire those you lead? Do you inspire them with your courage and willingness to take well thought out risks? Do you stay with what’s comfortable or push yourself out of your comfort zone and inspire others to do the same? Can you imagine […]

Destructive and Constructive Anxiety

Excessive stress and anxiety can hurt you mentally, emotionally and physically. Excessive negative stress will actually block your use of the executive part of your brain, the most advanced portion of your brain where your willpower and ability for higher consciousness thinking exists. In sport and performance psychology, it’s well known that there is a […]