We’ve been exploring motivation, as it relates to business and especially to fearless leaders. How can you apply the motivation concepts with the people who report to you or who you surround yourself with? You’ll remember I mentioned the famous “Illusion of Control” experiment in which lottery numbers (in a test study) often sold back […]
Latest Stories
Increasing Motivation
We’ve been examining motivation as it relates to Fearless Leadership. Here we’re going to continue our motivating factors. In business, there are three motivators: Need for achievement Need for affiliation Need for power How are you motivated? How can you apply the motivation concepts with the people who report to you or who you surround […]
Different Kinds of Motivation
We’ve been speaking about how fearless leaders profit from motivation, passion and are able to separate their passion from emotion. Here, we’ll explore two different kinds of motivation. Intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself. Intrinsic motivation exists within the individual rather than […]
The Passionate Disruptors
Passionate people are often disruptors. In my last blog, I introduced you to Elizabeth Scharpf, who founded Sustainable Health Enterprises to develop a new system of community-based education, business training, manufacturing and distribution jobs from locally sourced banana fiber. She had seen a problem in absenteeism in Mozambique, and witnessed in herself and others what […]
A Mindful Moment Fuels Passion
Why do you think millions of girls miss school and women miss work in third world countries? Illness? Sick children? The surprising and answer was discovered by Elizabeth Scharpf, who was an intern in Mozambique in 2005 for the one-person private-sector development division of the World Bank. Scharpf was studying how small and medium-sized businesses […]