Emotional Intelligence

Techniques to Build Courage, part 1

In the next few blogs, I’d like to take you through a series of questions that will help you reflect on your life, your career, your relations. The answers will help you see how you may react to failure, how prepared you are to engage in failure as a way to succeed.

Take time to think about these – although you may be reading this blog post at your office or while commuting, you may want to return to it when you have a few moments. Believe me, you’ll feel better for having set aside the time to consider how you might improve.

Here goes.

Failing your way to success!

Take a moment to slow down.

For this technique, you will need to sit back, relax and slow your breathing as well as your mind. It’s time for a little reflection on your life.

Look back on your personal and professional lives, then think about times you’ve failed, but ultimately succeeded. For example, recall when you learned to ride a bike; flunked or scored poorly on a test; got dumped in a romantic relationship, got fired; had a business strategy fail; had a business fail, and then went on to succeed.

  • Now, when did you have the courage to fail…in order to succeed?
  • Name the event or learning process in your personal or professional life where you failed (possibly several times) on the road to success.
  • About how many times did you have setbacks or outcomes you weren’t happy with?
  • What was the success in the end?
  • What was the end result, the benefit of being tenacious while dealing with the setbacks and achieving your goal?

Now that you are remembering and feeling that setbacks are just a part of learning to succeed, think about and write an important, scary goal in your life today.

  • What setbacks are you willing to risk in order to succeed?

Next, we will look at how you access your reserves of courage. Stay tuned!

For questions about this post or for information on becoming a fearless leader, contact Dr. Cathy Greenberg and The Fearless Leader Group at (888) 320-1299 or by email at hello@fearlessequalsfreedom.com.

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