Please answer all the questions with your preference in mind. This should take you approximately 5 minutes. Enjoy!

0% Complete

Hero Test

Please answer all the questions with your preference in mind. This should take you approximately 5 minutes. Enjoy!

25% Complete

Hero Test

Please answer all the questions with your preference in mind. This should take you approximately 5 minutes. Enjoy!

50% Complete

Hero Test results

Congratulations! You’re almost there, we just need to know where to send your Results

75% Complete

Are you usually

At parties you

Would you say it generally takes others

In reading for pleasure do you

If you were a teacher would you rather teach

Do you usually get along better with

Would you rather be considered

Are you inclined to

Do you more often

Which is a higher compliment, to be called

Do you prefer to

Do you prefer to do many things

Does following a schedule

In your daily work do you

Overall when working on a big project, do you tend to

Are you more attracted to

Are you

Which word appeals to you more

Is it a higher compliment to be called

Can you keep a conversation going indefinitely

Congratulations! You’re almost there, we just need to know where to send your Results

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