Using Imagery as a Transformational Tool
By Dr. Cathy Greenberg
Ironically, when you try to move away from what you don’t want, you’re actually focused on it and you’ll always tend to move toward what you focus on. So if you think about and focus on what you don’t want, you’ll tend to keep getting it.
Imagery Exercise
Imagery, especially in the relaxed state, is a very powerful self-transformational tool. Imagery includes the use of all of our senses: visual, kinesthetic (feeling), auditory (sounds and hearing words), taste and smell.
When you can see, feel, hear, taste and touch your mental image (your goal) it will be yours to attain. There is some scientific documentation of brain blood flow suggesting that the brain reacts the same to physically doing something and thinking about doing that same thing. In other words, the brain may not differentiate strongly between a thought and physical reality. Thus images and thoughts you give to your brain become your subconscious guide.
The more often your images are reinforced, the stronger they are imprinted in your subconscious mind, and the more likely you will live out this thought/image in reality.
For example, if your visual image of happiness is a home in the suburbs, a good job, children, two cars in the garage, and you find yourself in a very different circumstance in life, then you can refocus your goal image to the feeling of happiness. Develop the body/mind feeling of happiness as your guiding image and then let new visual images develop that support you being happy in the life you have NOW.
Outline For Mental Rehearsal
- Relax (the deeper the better).
- Pleasant Image (or image of the feeling you want to create). Bring the most pleasant image you can think of to your mind, then let it sink inside of you.
- Mentally Rehearse Feeling Images. Bring a feeling image to your mind of what you are mentally preparing for. Develop feeling images for the whole situation that you are preparing for.
- Mentally Rehearse Specifics. Develop visual, sound, and olfactory images that support the feeling images you developed and mentally rehearse as many variations of this scenario as you can imagine, including all of the factors you do not have control of. When done, let all of these images sink inside of you.
- Pleasant Image (or feeling image of what you want more of). Imagine the most pleasant thought that comes to your mind for a few seconds then let it sink inside of you.
- Return Focused and Prepared. Take a couple of deep breaths, stretch, return all your awareness to where you are feeling refreshed and mentally focused.
Try this exercise. How does it make you feel?
Thanks for sharing.
For questions about this post or for information on becoming a fearless leader, contact Dr. Cathy Greenberg and The Fearless Leader Group at (888) 320-1299 or by email at

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