Emotional Intelligence

Using a Worst-Case Scenario to Understand and Move Beyond Your Fears

We’ve been discussing some fears that can limit or even prevent a leader’s success. And in our last blog, we looked at how someone could use a worst-case scenario to visualize what might happen as the result of a perceived failure or change in life.

Here are some steps to using the worst-case scenario:

  • Describe it. Describe in great detail your worst-case scenario.
  • How probable is it? Ask yourself (or have someone else ask you): How probable is it that this fear will come true? It’s sometimes useful to use a zero to 100% scale where zero is no possibility and 100% is a certainty, or a given that this will happen.

Answer the question from pure logic in the present, not from emotion and not from your past experiences.

  • Can you accept the probability? Decide if you can accept the level of probability. If you can’t accept the level of probability that the worst-case scenario will happen, then you will need to do something to change the situation or level of risk.
    • Example: you want to implement an unproven strategy and if it fails, you lose your job and put the whole company at risk for bankruptcy.
  • Set it aside. Once you have accepted the probability of the worst-case scenario, let yourself come to peace with it and set it aside.
  • Focus on best case. Now, focus on your best-case scenario. What would it look, feel and sound like?
  • Take action. Take action toward creating your best-case scenario.

Living with discomfort is necessary to being courageous because when you’re being courageous, you’re in fear (which is uncomfortable). It will also prepare you well for the next Fearless Leaders’ secret . . . Own It!

Take some time to think about what you’ve learned and briefly summarize that knowledge – do your own paper-and-pen exercise. As you look back over your work in the coming months, these collected thoughts will provide you with a shot of “instant” inspiration as you apply this lesson to your life.

For questions about this post or for information on becoming a fearless leader, contact Dr. Cathy Greenberg and The Fearless Leader Group at (888) 320-1299 or by email at hello@fearlessequalsfreedom.com.


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