Test Your Mindfulness of Living in the Moment
By Dr. Cathy Greenberg
Here is an exercise to determine your own state of mindfulness, and what are your priorities for staying in the moment.
Answer each question with a 1 for “never,” up to a 5 for “always.”
- Other people notice that you can be extraordinarily, intentionally present with them.
- When taking on a challenge, you can enter that part of your mind where you give yourself lots of time and space to allow you to create innovative solutions.
- When an intelligent person presents a thought or a solution that is either quite different or even opposite from yours, you can listen without judgment and consider the other person’s point of view.
- Learned impulse control: You do something on a regular basis to strengthen your ability to be nonjudgmental regarding potential solutions to difficult challenges.
- You consciously and regularly practice slowing down the thoughts in your mind, your breathing and your heart rate.
How did you do? If you scored lower, then you see that you’re someone who needs to learn to become more in the moment. The practice of mindful leadership gives you tools to measure and manage your life as you’re living it.
The practice of mindful leadership teaches you to pay attention to the present moment, recognizing your feelings and emotions and keeping them under control, especially when faced with highly stressful situations.
When you are mindful, you’re aware of your presence and the ways you affect other people, your impact on them. You’re able both to observe and participate in each moment, while recognizing the implications of your actions for the longer term. Anthropologies and ethnographers call this being a “participant observer.”
Which of the above questions did you score yourself best on? Which was the worst (relatively speaking – these are for your self-improvement). Thanks for sharing.
For questions about this post or for information on becoming a fearless leader, contact Dr. Cathy Greenberg and The Fearless Leader Group at (888) 320-1299 or by email at hello@fearlessequalsfreedom.com.

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