Ending Disenchantment
By Dr. Cathy Greenberg
Americans are unhappy in their jobs.
Americans are quitting their jobs of their own volition because they are seeking more personal fulfillment in their workplace lives. Several recent studies confirm that employee turnover rates are on the rise.
A Kelly Services survey reports that 44 percent of the global workforce feels valued by their employer while 66 percent intend to look for a new job with another organization in the next year.
The survey also concludes that those who are content with their current position are seeking greater engagement and meaning from their positions and 74 percent of respondents cite the ability to “excel or develop” as the key to providing a sense of meaning in their work. People want personal and professional growth, a sense of purpose (a more spiritual experience in their work).
In her book, “KENSHO: A Modern Awakening,” management consultant Susan Steinbrecher examines why Americans are so disgruntled with their work. She believes that today many folks are challenging their beliefs and the frameworks they have constructed for their lives.
“What’s really important ?” is a question many are asking. Are you? It seems like many of us are yearning for more meaningful connections, more purpose in every aspect of life.
More and more people have become disenchanted with corporate life as it exists. Many feel trapped and unappreciated and they long to do something that has significance and value, something by which they can make a difference in the world.
Steinbrecher says it well, (from her HBR blog, which you can find on www.steinbrecher.com), “In this era of transition, company leadership must cultivate workplace happiness and provide a sense of meaning and engagement for employees that nourishes the human spirit.
“I encourage managers to connect with the emotional needs of employees and find ways to promote productivity while fostering creativity, meaning and fulfillment. Equally important is the self-awareness of company leadership. Over 70% of leaders fail or derail in their careers because they lack interpersonal skills. Being a good leader means pushing and expanding your own personal limits, and having the integrity and motivation to take the time to focus internally.”
Do you connect with the emotional needs of your colleagues and employees? If not, how do you plan to change this?
For questions about this post or for information on becoming a fearless leader, contact Dr. Cathy Greenberg and The Fearless Leader Group at (888) 320-1299 or by email at hello@fearlessequalsfreedom.com.

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